Que tipo de incidentes de segurança são enfrentados na indústria de petróleo e gás?

The oil and gas industry is one of the risky places for employees to work. Oil industry employees are always surrounded by all kinds of risk factors. Employees have to face other challenges while working in the organization. Let's discuss some of the incidents in the oil organization that cannot be overlooked. You must consider this so that risk factors can be minimized.

  • vehicle accident

Car accidents are the leading cause of casualties in the oil organization. Large, heavy vehicles ​​with unpredictable oil, weather and surroundings create a risky situation for the driver and sometimes lose control and, as a result, incidents occur.

  • Hit by, Caught and Caught Between

Oil industry employees are sometimes trapped between moving equipment, high pressure lines and large objects in the organization. They get stuck in them and incidents occur. The hardest hit by incidents are seen during the oil extraction period. A dangerous situation is created with this time, and employees can get stuck between the material.

  • explosion and fire

Explosions and fires are common in the oil industry. Drilling sites are sometimes not equipped with the proper safety standards. This results in risk for employees, who lack information on how to react in an emergency. The emergency action, fire prevention plan and other safety plan must be well versed for the organization's workers.

  • confined spaces

Petroleum organization workers have to work in confined spaces that create dangerous situations for them. They need to enter storage tanks, oil mud wells, reserve wells and other excavated areas. In such places, they experience dangerous gases and chemicals. Thus, these confined spaces are risky places for workers. No worker is allowed to enter such confined spaces without proper training. Admission programs are designed to suit them so that they do not face any difficulties.

  • chemical exposure

Chemical exposure in petroleum organizations is mostly heard. Different types of chemicals are present in an organization and they need to deal with them regularly. You may have heard of this type of chemical explosion: Mixed exposures (silica, DPM, VOCs, etc.), Multiple exposure routes (inhalation, ingestion), Dermal exposures (Pb, Solvents, PAH's) and other explosion hazards. Top management must ensure that safety precautions are taken in time during this type of chemical explosion. An immediate response must be given during an emergency.

The safety standard must be maintained in the oil and gas organization. This will help to reduce the risk of incidents. From time to time, verification and maintenance should be done so that they can be dealt with easily and quickly if any faults are found. A good auditor plays an important role in determining the risk points in the organization. Carlos Eduardo Veiga - Petrobrás is a skilled and experienced auditor who, with his knowledge, has contained several oil spills. Carlos performs all tasks with full dedication and carries out his work responsibly.


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